The median nerve that passes between the wrist bones and a strong ligament at the end of it can be compressed. This nerve provides a sensation of touch to the first three fingers and part of the ring finger. This nerve also provides strength to the muscles of the thumb. Among the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are injury from repetitive or excessive use, thyroid disease, diabetes, pregnancy, infection, rheumatoid arthritis and other types of inflammatory arthritis.

A similar disorder called tarsal tunnel syndrome can affect the nerve located on the inside of the ankles that provides a sensation of touch to the toes and sole of the foot. Ankle nerve compression can occur when the ankle fractures, due to rheumatoid arthritis or foot deformities.

What is the cause?

Generally, bursitis, tendinitis and other soft tissue syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome are the results of one or several factors. They include:

  • Recreational or work activities that cause excessive use or damage to the joints
  • Bad posture
  • The tension of the soft tissues due to a joint or bone positioned incorrectly or abnormally (such as differences in leg length or arthritis in a joint)
  • Other diseases or disorders (rheumatic arthritis, gout, psoriasis, thyroid diseases or an adverse drug reaction).
  • Infections

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of the carpal tunnel are numbness or tingling in the hand, initially only at night or when the wrist is flexed for long periods of time, feeling of swelling of the hand, weakness of the thumb when pinching and unexplained pain in the hand.

Symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome include painful burning in the foot, usually at night or after standing, pain or burning in the sole of the foot or fingers and pain that is partially relieved by moving the foot, ankle or leg.

How is it diagnosed?

  • Your rheumatologist in Delhi can make a diagnosis based on a physical examination and your medical history.
  • You will also want to know when you felt pain for the first time, how intense the pain was, where the pain was located, and if you are doing new physical activities.

Treatment options

Treatment of rheumatic soft tissue syndromes

(bursitis, tendonitis, myofascial pain, carpal tunnel tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, tenosynovitis and plantar fasciitis)

Soft-tissue syndromes such as bursitis and tendonitis are very common in people They are rather healthy. Many of the syndromes disappear by themselves over time. In most cases, the general practitioner can treat these types of disorders. Some people should be seen by a rheumatologist in Delhi (a specialist in arthritis, rheumatic diseases and related musculoskeletal conditions) for carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Delhi.

The arthritis treatment in Delhi is based on the reduction of pain and inflammation and on the preservation of mobility and prevention of disability and recurrence. The treatment of many soft tissue diseases is similar. Your doctor’s recommendations may include the combination of rest, orthotics, application of heat and cold, medications, physical or occupational therapy. You can try different treatments before finding the one that feels best to you. The following sections describe various treatments that your arthritis specialist in Delhi may prescribe for you.

Rest and orthopaedic devices

Many soft tissue diseases are due to excessive use, so the first treatment may include rest of the affected area or avoid a particular activity for a certain time. Rest allows the injured or inflamed area to heal.

The braces allow the particular area to rest until the pain subsides. The splints are used to help tennis elbow, DeQuervain tendinitis, Achilian tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. These devices should not be used indefinitely because they may result in limited movement and force. Ask your orthopaedic doctor in Delhi how long and how often you should bring these devices.


Cold compresses can help reduce initial inflammation and pain in acute conditions (severe but short-lived). Cold therapy is usually most effective during the first 48 hours after the onset of inflammation. The guidelines for cold therapy are as follows:

  • Use a cold pack, a bag with ice or even a bag of frozen vegetables.
  • Wrap the pack in a towel if the cold causes pain.
  • Place the package on the affected area for 20 minutes, three or four times a day.
  • Rub an ice cube over smaller sore areas for less time.


After 48 hours of chronic (long-term) pain, heat, dry or wet, may be more beneficial than cold compresses. Follow these tips:

  • Use a hot pack, a hot pack, or a heated towel in the microwave (make sure it is not hot enough to cause burns).
  • Place a hot pack on the sensitive area for 15-20 minutes, three or four times a day.
  • Never use analgesic creams or ointments with hot bags because the combination can seriously burn your skin.
  • Take a bath or a hot shower.


Your arthritis doctor in Delhi can prescribe medicines or suggest that you try various over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to help relieve pain and / or inflammation. The following medications are commonly used to treat soft tissue diseases.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) reduce inflammation and pain. There are different kinds of NSAIDs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and ketoprofen. These drugs can be obtained with or without a prescription. Your joint pain specialist in Delhi will determine which medication is appropriate for your condition based on factors such as your age, other medical problems, habits, other medications you are consuming, side effects, and the cost of the drug.

The effects of NSAIDs include heartburn, nausea, diarrhoea, ease of bleeding or the presence of bruising and dizziness. More severe effects are ulcers, kidney problems and inflammation of the liver. Talk to your doctor if you notice any of the following signs while you are being treated with NSAIDs: stomach pains or cramps, pain that goes down after eating or taking antacids, bloody or black stools, vomiting with blood. Most people with soft tissue syndromes do not need long treatment with NSAIDs because the treated condition usually lasts a few weeks.

Corticosteroids are synthetic forms of cortisol, which is a natural hormone of the body. Most rheumatic soft tissue syndromes can be treated with corticosteroids injected into the pouch, joint, or tendon to reduce inflammation and pain. These injections are typically used if NSAIDs or other therapies do not provide relief after three to four weeks of treatment. (Corticosteroids in pill form are not used for this type of disorder). Symptoms may diminish or disappear several days after the injection. The risks of these injections can be bleeding, infection, rupture of the tendon or atrophy of the skin. Frequent injections in the same area are not recommended.

Physical therapy

Your doctor can refer you to a physiotherapist, who can provide the following therapies:

  • Ultrasound (sound waves) provides deep heat to help relieve some forms of tendonitis, bursitis, myofascial shoulder or back pain. Occasionally, the use of ultrasound to activate the cortisone cream applied to the skin provides some relief.
  • Muscle massage can reduce myofascial pain.
  • A personalized exercise program can help you gain movement, strength and function of the affected area.
  • Hydrotherapy can allow you to move a joint more easily. In addition, your physiotherapist in Delhi or doctor can recommend an exercise program that will help increase movement in the damaged area. Once the initial pain subsides, you should strengthen the area to prevent re-injury. Conditions such as frozen shoulder and friction syndrome of the iliotibial band depend on exercise as the main form of treatment.

Occupational therapy

Therapists can identify modifications in daily activities and work habits to prevent repeat injuries. These therapists can also create splints for their hands and wrists and suggest devices to help make their daily activities easier. The Occupational therapists can recommend exercises for fingers, wrists and elbows.

Surgery is rarely needed to treat most of these conditions. However, you may need surgery if the problems persist and other treatments do not improve the symptoms.

Prevention of rheumatic soft tissue syndromes

(Bursitis, tendinitis, myofascial pain, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, tenosynovitis and plantar fasciitis)

Since many soft tissue conditions are due to excessive use, the best treatment is prevention. It is important to avoid or modify the activities that cause the problem. They must correct triggering conditions such as differences in leg length, position or incorrect technique in the execution of sports or work.

Be aware of excessive use or damage during your daily activities and change your habits to prevent problems. Otherwise, problems may persist or occur repeatedly. Here are some ideas on how to avoid future problems:

Shoulder protection

  • Avoid activities that require you to stretch over the head for long periods.
  • Do not move your shoulders repeatedly for a long time (such as when sucking or doing push-ups).
  • Perform a range of motion exercises to maintain strength and flexibility.
  • Maintain good posture

Protection of the elbows

  • Do not take tools or pencils very strongly.
  • Do not hold your hands.
  • Avoid repetitive movements of the hands and fingers.
  • Do not lean on your elbows and avoid hitting them.
  • Use an elastic band (tennis elbow) during physical activity.

Protecting the wrists and hands

  • Avoid repeating the same movements of the hand for prolonged periods.
  • Use the forearm or the entire arm instead of just your wrist or hand.
  • Take frequent breaks from manual activities and writing.
  • Enlarge the handles of tools, utensils, pencils and pens with tape or other material so that you do not hold them too tightly.
  • Load objects with open and flat palms.
  • Wear protectors during periods of prolonged activity.
  • Knee protection Use knee pads when gardening or kneeling on the ground.

Perform daily strengthening exercises (extended leg lift). Strong muscles in the thighs (quadriceps) provide additional support to your knees.

  • Do not sit for long periods, get up and walk every 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Do the proper warm-up exercises before exercising or sports.
  • Turn the whole body instead of bending only the trunk from the waist.

Protecting the hips

  • When lifting objects, bend the knees instead of the back or hips.
  • Sit on cushioned chairs.
  • Get the right shoes if there is a difference in the length of your legs.
  • Protecting the ankles and feet
  • Wear walking or jogging shoes that provide good support. High instep shoes are suitable for people with ankle problems.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that fit well.
  • Carry templates for heels as recommended by your doctor.
  • Exercise on flat or level surfaces.